The Best Nutritional Programs for you


Any information provided by TransformHerhealth is solely for educational purposes only and is not intended for
medical advice. Before making a decision on joining any health
and wellness programs please see your physician.

6 Week TransformHer Accountability Coaching Program

Accountability Group

All clients will be required to join a private group during the six week duration of the program which provides daily support from Coach Nikki and other members by holding each accountable to ensure that we are making progress


Clients will receive the eBook on How to master meal planning which will provide food preparation and safety guidelines , meal planning strategies and much more

Shopping List

Clients will have access to a grocery list and will be able to determine the best food options available based upon their preferences

Full access to a coach

Yes, Clients will have access to Coach Nikki for the six week duration of the program and office hours will be provided

Weekly calls

Calls will be held once a week on Thursdays for check ins and Q&A however days are subject to change

Prizes and giveaways

During each week there will be random giveaways the goal is to reward clients for small wins during their weight loss journey


Clients will receive weekly recipes and can choose which one best suit their needs

Exercise routine

Content will be added daily with beginner friendly exercises clients can do at home

Standard Meal Plan

There will be a standard meal plan that clients will be able to determine what meals best suit their needs